What happens if I register for a title that does not meet the minimum player requirements?

We ask that you rank game titles when registering so we can reassign players to other titles if we cannot field a full team for the top title of choice. If the players cannot be placed on another team or are not interested in those titles, funds will not be charged, and the registration will be canceled.

Can I participate in more than one game title?

Yes, as long as the match times do not conflict. A $65 fee will be required for each additional title.

We have other commitments on Wednesday evenings. Can the match times be changed?

Individual requests can be made each week to reschedule a match but this may lead to a forfeit if a new time cannot be determined. A special request has been made through Vanta (Middle school teams) to move the official match day for middle school Rocket League to either Tuesday or Thursday. We will provide updated information if this changes. A similar request cannot be made to PlayVS for the High School Super Smash Brothers Ultimate match times due to the significantly larger pool of teams participating.

Am I guaranteed to play in matches?

As with any sport, the starting roster will be determined by several factors such as reliability, teamwork, skill level, and attitude. Each player will need to earn their spot. However, we will make every effort to allow every player to compete.

What do players do with their equipment at school during the day if they are attending classes on the same day as a match/practice?

TKA can provide faculty/staff drop-off service in both the lower school building (middle school players) and high school building upon special request to hold equipment throughout the school day until needed in the afternoon

How will the coaches, players and parents communicate?

The designated tool for coaches and high school players to communicate will be Discord. A link to join the TKA esports. Discord server will be provided after registration to all high school players. This server is administered and monitored fully by the TKA esports head coach. The designated tool for coaches and parents to communicate (per team) will be TeamSnap. Invitations will be sent out after registration. Alternate communication methods will be the TKA esports email (esports@thekingsacademy.org).

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