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Welcome to TKA Esports!
We are kicking off the fall season just for fun and practice. There will be no sign-up fee for the fall!

When spring arrives, we’ll launch officially and start competitions. 

The Basics


How much does Esports cost? $160.00 Per Semester. We also offer early sign-up for $130.00


On what days do Esports meet, for how long, and at what time? We’re still working on Days. We’re hoping to make the main day Thursdays. Keep checking back for an official schedule. Sessions will generally last 90 minutes.

Are the meetings virtual or in-person? We will likely start out virtually. However, we do hope – as we grow – to have more in-person meetings. The hope is to eventually have a Thursday in-person meeting.


Can you choose what games you play? Absolutely. Please look at the FAQ page if you’d like to play more than one game.

What are the tournaments like? It depends on the game. That said, we’ll have more information once we start a season.

Parents, Please Note:

Some of these games may contain minor objectionable material. As with any product, use a “gatekeeper’s mentality” as you make decisions for your children. We recommend that you take the time to research these games to review their content before making final decisions. Ultimately, only YOU will be able to discern what is appropriate for your child. 

It’s also important to know that we use Discord for the main commutations and to connect to the gaming environment for streaming. We do run our own private server. So, only our students are allowed to participate. Please know that we do everything within our power to keep this communication safe for all involved.

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